US and Israel discuss actions following drone invasion of Israel

According to, NBC World News article, 10/04/12, Israel shot down an unidentified aircraft. The exact quote is, “In the video, a small, unidentified aircraft is seen moments before being destroyed by a missile fired from a fighter jet”. This leaves some to speculate that the craft was not of this world.
Just for fun I read the article from I pride myself on having an open mind, though, this article did not convince me that the object was from out of this world until I watched the video released by the Israeli military. It did make me slightly suspicious.
I began asking myself, “how did the object make it so far into their airspace? And, if it came from the Mediterranean, is Hezbollah in the Mediterranean?”
This is not the first time Israeli airspace has been breached In the article from NBC their are examples of past occurrences, however this one comes at a time of heightened concern.
In the past couple of days since the attack the United States and Israel have been in discussions, according to RT News You Tube video. It was difficult trying to find these developments on other more main stream news channels. RT news has an article titled, “October surprise: US and Israel prepare to strike Iran”.
The Israeli military attribute this invasion of Israeli airspace to Hezbollah, an “Iranian military front”, and are determined to do whatever it takes to prevent further threats.
These events are leading to the fulfillment of a prophecy from Daniel, which says that a war in the middle east will happen, the result of which will be the setting up of the anti-Christ’s palace between the seas and the holy mountain. Also, that this theocratic dictator will control the wealth of that whole region, making it an unmatchable economical force. Soon after (could be a number of years) “news from the east, and out of the north will trouble him: and he will go forth to destroy, and utterly make away many”.
“Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short”. Matt: 24:22
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Thanks for reading, and stay posted as I intend to follow this, and other pertinent stories, and continue to link great articles and video.

“What I Believe” by DW Miller


What I Believe

(a synopsis)

By DW Miller

I believe in God the father creator of the heavens and earth, and in his son, Yeshua, a.k.a. Jesus.

I believe, as history proves and piles of evidence show, he ministered, died, and rose on the third day, as it was prophesied of him. I believe that just as he left he will return.

I believe that just as the year of his first coming was prophesied in the 70 week prophecy of Daniel, Daniel also prophecies the year of his return in the last time prophecy of Daniel 12.

I can see the prince of this world destroying faith in these beliefs, and amassing the world, and its armies, “…to do battle against the Most High”.

I know that Jesus will return in just over a decade, bringing with him the new city of Jerusalem, which will be an intergalactic city and a protection against the forces of the fallen ones who will remain outside this huge refuge.

I believe that extraterrestrials, UFO’s etc, are the only other beings created, fallen and unfallen. The fallen are not extraterrestrial, but were cast to the earth, and “…go to and fro to gather the nations to do battle against the Most High”. They operate directly with those who have gave themselves over to them. I believe that they, the fallen ones, are equipping the military complex with weaponry in their attempt to thwart the armies of God on the day of his soon coming invasion of this fallen planet.

I believe that these angels are not spirity, ghostly aberrations, but instead they are physical, however meta-physical. When they came to Abraham they ate with him. When they went to lot they also were physical, attracting much unwanted attention. It is very possible that they are inter-dimensional, thus like spirit (Greek-neuma or pneuma = English-air) going undetected at will. But, like Christ’s resurrected body (like our unfallen nature, the original creation) is veryphysical, but without a lot of the limitations as we see Jesus go through a door or wall when he visited the Apostles.

I believe that these fallen ones may have craft and weaponry that they intend to employ against the armies of heaven on invasion day. And, that the reason for the sudden technological age at this point in earths history is no coincidence. They share their technology for single purpose. To arm the  world against this coming “invasion”.

If you feel I have gone a bit off the deep end, you soon will realize this is the truth. The truth really is stranger than fiction, and we are all about to get a full dose of it.

My book “The Final Time Prophecy” describes coming events. A war that will happen this year in the Middle East that, most likely, will involve the deployment of at least one nuke. The restoration of an old, evil, theocratic dictatorship, and the prophesied setting up of its headquarters in the Middle East. And, within a few years of setting up in the Middle East he will, upon getting some type of news from the east, turn to violence and destruction on a level never before seen in the history of mankind. This is when Messiah returns as King.

These things that I belive are based in the Bible, and in what can be plainly observed. The day of the Lord comes as a thief to those who do not watch, but we are equipped with the knowledge that saves. Like Daniel 12:10 says, “…and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand”. What follows is the most exciting time prophecy of all time.

Buy “The Final Time Prophecy” READ AND UNDERSTAND!

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